• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (x_make_frame_visible): Don't call XMapSubwindows. · 0134a210
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    (x_iconify_frame): Likewise.
    (pending_autoraise_frame): New variable.
    (x_new_focus_frame): Don't autoraise here; just set that var.
    (XTread_socket): Raise that frame here.
    (x_destroy_window): Call clear_mouse_face if necessary.
    (x_new_font): Always call x_set_window_size.
    (x_wm_set_size_hint): If PROMPTING is 0,
    copy the old win_gravity field.
    If USPosition is set, don't set PWinGravity.
    (x_wm_set_size_hint): If change_gravity is 0, just don't set the gravity.
xterm.c 163 KB