• Jay Belanger's avatar
    (calc-curve-nvars, calc-curve-varnames, calc-curve-model) · 03cc1aba
    Jay Belanger authored
    (calc-curve-coefnames): New variable.
    (calc-curve-fit, calc-get-fit-variables): Replace variables nvars,
    varnames, model and coefnames by declared variables.
    (math-root-widen): New variable.
    (math-search-root, math-find-root): Replace variable root-widen by
    declared variable.
    (var-DUMMY): Declare it.
    (math-root-vars, math-min-vars): Move the declarations to earlier in
    the file.
    (math-brent-min): Make d a local variable.
    (math-find-minimum): Replace non-existent variable.
    (math-ninteg-romberg): Remove unnecessary variable.
    (math-ninteg-temp): New variable.
    (math-ninteg-romberg, math-ninteg-midpoint): Replace variable
    integ-temp by declared variable.
    (math-fit-first-var, math-fit-first-coef, math-fit-new-coefs): New variables.
    (math-general-fit): Replace variables first-var, first-coef and
    new-coefs by declared variables.
    (calcFunc-fitvar): Replace variable first-var by declared variable.
    (calcFunc-fitparam): Replace variable first-coef by declared variable.
    (calcFunc-fitdummy): Replace variable new-coefs by declared variable.
    (math-all-vars-vars, math-all-vars-found): New variables.
    (math-all-vars-in, math-all-vars-rec): Replace variables vars and
    found by declared variable math-all-vars-vars.
calcalg3.el 59.4 KB