• Karl Heuer's avatar
    (bibtex-auto-fill-function): Adapted for use with · 0640d7bf
    Karl Heuer authored
    changed autofill policy of emacs-19.30 (uses now fill-prefix
    instead of indent-line-function).
    (bibtex-indent-line-function): Removed (not used any more).
    (bibtex-make-field): Was broken when called
    (bibtex-make-field): Point is now placed on closing
    brace or quote (suggested by Karl Eichwalder <ke@ke.Central.DE>).
    (bibtex-clean-entry): Comma after last field isn't
    deleted anymore (new standard in BibTeX 0.99 and 1.xx).
    (bibtex-enclosing-reference-maybe-empty-head): Works with entries
    with comma after last field.
    (bibtex-reference): Permits entries with comma after last field.
    (bibtex-font-lock-keywords): Enhanced to support new field-name
    characters (suggested by Martin Maechler
    (bibtex-field-name): Now numbers (not as the first sign), dashes,
    and underscores are allowed (suggested by Martin Maechler
    <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> and Oren Patashnik
    (bibtex-make-field): Was broken on lines containing
    non-parenthesized entries (reported by Karl Eichwalder
    (bibtex-validate-buffer): Changed so that preamble
    references are ignored (same as string entries) (reported by
    Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>).
    New function to be used in case reference head may be empty.
    (bibtex-clean-entry, bibtex-pop-previous, bibtex-pop-next): Uses
    now bibtex-enclosing-reference-maybe-empty-head.
    (bibtex-mode): Added support for font-lock mode.
    (bibtex-font-lock-keywords): New variable with font-lock keywords
    for BibTeX mode.
    (bibtex-make-optional-field): Not longer interactive
    (suggested by Karl Eichwalder <karl@pertron.central.de>).
    (bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries): Set to nil, since it
    requires more user attention and more restricted files to have
    this set to t.
    bibtex-sort-ignore-string-entries): Made buffer local, since it
    may depend on the buffer which preferences to use.
    (bibtex-validate-buffer): Looking for correct sort order only when
    bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries is non-nil.
    Put a comment in the `KNOWN BUGS' section about the
    quote-inside-quotes problem.
    (whole file): Changed string `true' in some documentation strings
    to `non-nil' (e.g. `if variable has a true/non-nil value').
    (bibtex-mode-map): Changed `move/edit' to `bibtex-edit'.
    (bibtex-sort-entries): Now works correctly with
    `@String' entries inside BibTeX files (i.e. after the occurence of
    other references).
    (bibtex-validate-buffer): Inserted code which looks if entries are
    balanced (a single non-escaped quote inside braces was not
    detected till now, but bibtex-sort-entries stumbles about it).
    (bibtex-entry): bibtex-move-outside-of-entry is only
    called when bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries is nil (otherwise
    bibtex-find-entry-location determines the correct location).
    (bibtex-find-entry-location): Now uses binary search. As before,
    it assumes that the buffer is sorted without duplicates (but as
    before it is only called when bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries is
    t). Ignores `@String' entries if told so via variable
    (bibtex-clean-entry): Respect
    bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries when inserting autokey.
    (bibtex-validate-buffer): Searching whole buffer for duplicates
    and correct order is now done directly instead of calling
    bibtex-find-entry-location (since this is to be reprogrammed to
    use a binary search instead a sequential one).
    (bibtex-parse-keys): May now be called with an
    optional parameter which (if t) tells bibtex-parse-keys that it
    should abort if input is pending.
    (bibtex-mode): The instance of bibtex-parse-keys called in
    auto-save-mode-hook is now called with this new parameter set to
    t, so an auto-save caused by exceeding auto-save-interval is now
    aborted immediately if user is still typing.
    (bibtex-print-help-message, bibtex-clean-entry): Use
    now constant strings instead of custom ones.
    (bibtex-clean-entry): Changed the call of
    bibtex-enclosing-reference to a more specific call so entries
    without a key (here allowed) can be handled.
    (bibtex-reference-key): Cleared off parentheses (caused string
    entries enclosed by parentheses instead of braces to be not added
    to bibtex-completion-candidates).
    (bibtex-complete-string): Made it use bibtex-string.
    bibtex-buffer-last-parsed-for-keys-tick): New buffer-local
    variables to make parsing of BibTeX buffer for reference keys
    (needed by TAB completion in minibuffer when entering key) more
    (bibtex-parse-keys): New function to parse for keys (functionality
    was partially included in bibtex-entry).
    (bibtex-entry): Changed to use bibtex-parse-keys.
    (bibtex-mode): Installs bibtex-parse-keys as an
    auto-save-mode-hook, so whole buffer is parsed at most when it is
    (bibtex-clean-entry): Calls bibtex-parse-keys on the new entry, so
    bibtex-keys remains consistent for new entries that are finished
    by calling this function (most should).
    (bibtex-inside-field): Be independent on current
    setting of bibtex-field-right-delimiter (allows more intermixing
    between quotes and braces).
    (bibtex-make-field): Last change didn't make it work correctly
    when called non-interactively by bibtex-entry (fixed).
bibtex.el 93.1 KB