• Martin Rudalics's avatar
    Fix uses of 'nil' and 'non-nil' in manuals and a few more minor issues · 164e84c9
    Martin Rudalics authored
    * doc/emacs/building.texi (Grep Searching): Fix doc of
    (Drag and Drop): Reorder paragraphs.  Fix doc of
    * doc/emacs/frames.texi (Word and Line Mouse):
    * doc/emacs/search.texi (Other Repeating Search):
    * doc/lispref/compile.texi (Compilation Functions):
    * doc/lispref/files.texi (Directory Names):
    * doc/lispref/functions.texi (Advising Named Functions):
    * doc/lispref/keymaps.texi (Controlling Active Maps):
    * doc/lispref/lists.texi (Association Lists):
    * doc/lispref/windows.texi (Quitting Windows): Fix uses of
    'non-nil' and 'nil'.
lists.texi 57.6 KB