• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (whitespace-version): Update version to 2.4 · 18d51459
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    Add customization variables to conditionally test
    any of the five whitespaces.
    (whitespace-spacetab-regexp): Fix doc string.
    (whitespace-modes): Add `change-log-mode' to the
    list of modes to be checked for bogus whitespaces.
    (whitespace-rescan-timer-time): Update documentation.
    new function to update modeline with untested whitespaces.
    (whitespace-buffer): Test only whitespaces whose
    checking is turned on, and update modeline using the newly created
    (whitespace-cleanup): Cleanup only whitespaces
    whose checking is turned on, and update modeline using the newly
    created `whitespace-display-unchecked-whitespaces'.
    (whitespace-describe): Update documentation.
    (whitespace-tickle-timer): Test if `whitespace-rescan-timer-time' is
    non-zero before tickling timer.
whitespace.el 21.5 KB