• Karl Heuer's avatar
    (direct_output_forward_char): #if-0-out redundant · 24e86043
    Karl Heuer authored
    check against truncated text at end of line.
    Add giving-up for buffers with reverse direction.
    (remake_frame_glyphs): Use FRAME_MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE()
    instead of FRAME_WIDTH, as the message may include multi-byte
    character and the length may be longer than width.
    (width_run_cache_on_off): Disable width-run-cache when
    multi-byte characters are enabled.
    (skip_invisible): Don't put the boundary in the middle of
    multibyte characters.
    (direct_output_forward_char): Bug fix.  Add
    XFASTINT (w->left) for losing cursor check.
    Include charset.h.
    (update_line): Handle wide-column characters.
dispnew.c 76.2 KB