• Stefan Monnier's avatar
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/edebug.el: Miscellaneous cleanup. · 2de39f08
    Stefan Monnier authored
    Remove obsolete byte-compiler hack that tried to silence some warnings.
    (edebug-submit-bug-report): Remove.
    (edebug-get-buffer-window, edebug-sit-for, edebug-input-pending-p):
    Remove aliases, use the un-prefixed name instead.
    (edebug-pop-to-buffer): Consider other frames.
    (edebug-original-read):: Make it more obvious that it's always defined.
    (edebug--make-form-data-entry, edebug--form-data-name)
    (edebug--form-data-begin, edebug--form-data-end): Rename from the
    single-dashed name, and implement with cl-defstruct.
    (edebug-set-form-data-entry): Use the standard accessors.
    (edebug-make-top-form-data-entry): Use push.
    (edebug-no-match): Drop useless `funcall'.
    (mapcar, mapconcat, mapatoms, apply, funcall): Don't add debug specs
    to functions.
    (defsubst, dont-compile, eval-when-compile, eval-and-compile)
    (delay-mode-hooks, with-temp-file, with-temp-message, ad-dolist)
    (with-syntax-table, push, pop, 1value, noreturn, defadvice)
    (easy-menu-define, with-custom-print): Remove redundant specs.
    (edebug-outside-overriding-terminal-local-map): Remove, unused.
    (edebug--display): Bind unread-command-events directly to nil rather
    than binding it to unread-command-events and later setting it to nil.
    (edebug--display): Kill edebug-eval-buffer here...
    (edebug--recursive-edit): ...rather than here.
    Bind standard-output and standard-input.
    (edebug-eval): Check cl-macroexpand-all is fboundp.
    (edebug-temp-display-freq-count): Fix last change.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/easymenu.el (easy-menu-define): Add `debug' spec.
    * lisp/subr.el (noreturn, 1value): Add `debug' spec.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/advice.el: Require cl-lib.
    (ad-copy-tree): Remove, use copy-tree instead.
    (ad-dolist): Remove use dolist or cl-dolist instead.
    (ad-do-return): Remove, use cl-return instead.
    (defadvice): Add `debug' spec.
advice.el 158 KB