• Kenichi Handa's avatar
    (xftfont_list): Adjusted for the change of `list' · 3528e709
    Kenichi Handa authored
    callback function.
    (xftfont_match): Adjusted for the fontmat change of font-entity.
    (xftfont_open): Adjusted for the format change of font-entity and
    font-object.  Adjusted for the change of struct font.  Return a
    font-object.  Don't update dpyinfo->smallest_font_height and
    (xftfont_close): Block input while calling XftFontClose.
    (xftfont_prepare_face): Don't block input while calling
    xftfont_get_colors.  Adjusted for the change of struct font.
    (xftfont_shape): Return value of error case fixed.
xftfont.c 16.4 KB