• Karl Fogel's avatar
    When VC detects a conflict, specify which file · 3c3aad73
    Karl Fogel authored
    * lisp/vc/vc.el (vc-message-unresolved-conflicts): New function.
    * lisp/vc/vc-svn.el (vc-svn-find-file-hook):
    * lisp/vc/vc-hg.el (vc-hg-find-file-hook):
    * lisp/vc/vc-bzr.el (vc-bzr-find-file-hook):
    * lisp/vc/vc-git.el (vc-git-find-file-hook): Use above new function
      to display a standard message that specifies the conflicted file.
    Before this change, the message VC used for indicating a conflicted
    file was just "There are unresolved conflicts in this file" without
    naming the file (and this language was duplicated in several places).
    After this change, it's "There are unresolved conflicts in file FOO"
    (and this language is now centralized in one function in vc.el).
    Justification: It's important for the message to name the conflicted
    file because the moment when VC realizes a file is conflicted does not
    always come interactively.  For example, some people automatically
    find a set of Org Mode files on startup, and may keep those .org files
    under version control.  If any of the files are conflicted, the user
    just sees some messages fly by, and might later check the "*Messages*"
    buffer to find out what files were conflicted.  I'm not saying this
    happened to me or anything; it's a purely hypothetical example.
vc.el 117 KB