• Martin Stjernholm's avatar
    2005-05-23 Martin Stjernholm <bug-cc-mode@gnu.org> · 3efc2cd7
    Martin Stjernholm authored
    	CC Mode update to 5.30.10:
    	* cc-fonts.el (c-font-lock-declarators): Fixed bug where the point
    	could go past the limit in decoration level 2, thereby causing
    	errors during interactive fontification.
    	* cc-mode.el (c-make-inherited-keymap): Fixed cc-bytecomp bug when
    	the file is evaluated interactively.
    	* cc-engine.el (c-guess-basic-syntax): Handle operator
    	declarations somewhat better in C++.
    	* cc-styles.el, cc-mode.el (c-run-mode-hooks): New helper macro to
    	make use of run-mode-hooks' which has been added in Emacs 21.1.
    	(c-mode, c++-mode, objc-mode, java-mode, idl-mode, pike-mode,
    	awk-mode): Use it.
    	(make-local-hook): Suppress warning about obsoleteness.
    	* cc-engine.el, cc-align.el, cc-cmds.el
    	(c-append-backslashes-forward, c-delete-backslashes-forward,
    	c-find-decl-spots, c-semi&comma-no-newlines-before-nonblanks):
    	Compensate for return value from forward-line' when it has moved
    	but not to a different line due to eob.
    	* cc-engine.el (c-guess-basic-syntax): Fixed anchoring in
    	objc-method-intro' and objc-method-args-cont'.
    2005-05-23  Alan Mackenzie  <bug-cc-mode@gnu.org>
    	CC Mode update to 5.30.10:
    	* cc-mode.el, cc-engine.el, cc-align.el: Change the FSF's address
    	in the copyright statement.  Incidentally, change "along with GNU
    	Emacs" to "along with this program" where it occurs.
    	* cc-mode.el: Add a fourth parameter t' to the awk-mode autoload,
    	so that it is interactive, hence can be found by M-x awk-mode
    	whilst cc-mode is yet to be loaded.  Reported by Glenn Morris
    	* cc-awk.el: Add character classes (e.g. "[:alpha:]") into AWK
    	Mode's regexps.
    2005-05-23  Kevin Ryde  <user42@zip.com.au>:
    	* cc-align.el (c-lineup-argcont): Ignore conses for {} pairs from
    	c-parse-state, to avoid a lisp error (on bad code).
cc-defs.el 62.7 KB