• Mattias Engdegård's avatar
    Simplify byte-code optimisation of pure functions · 3f990c3c
    Mattias Engdegård authored
    Most pure functions need no explicit optimisation; we can do away with
    almost all uses of byte-optimize-predicate (now renamed to
    byte-optimize-constant-args, since it is not just for predicates).
    Also remove some superfluous arity warnings.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el (byte-optimize-identity, byte-optimize-memq)
    (byte-optimize-nth, byte-optimize-nthcdr):
    Remove arity warnings and simplify.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el (<, >, <=, >=, not, null, consp, listp)
    (symbolp, stringp, string<, string-lessp, proper-list-p, logand)
    (logior, logxor, lognot, car, cdr, car-safe, cdr-safe):
    Remove superfluous byte-optimizer property.
    (byte-optimize-predicate): Rename to byte-optimize-constant-args.
    All uses changed.
byte-opt.el 84 KB