• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (byte-compile-warning-prefix): · 4390021b
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    Decide here whether to print which form we're compiling.
    If we do that, still print file and line.  Make file name
    relative to default-directory.	Print fewer newlines.
    (byte-compile-log-file): Print something even if no file.
    Print messages for entering and leaving directories,
    and set default-directory.
    (displaying-byte-compile-warnings): Only sometimes bind warning-series.
    (byte-compile-warning-series): New function.
    (byte-compile-file): Set byte-compile-last-logged-file, don't bind it.
    (byte-compile-display-log-head-p): Function deleted.
bytecomp.el 146 KB