• Eli Zaretskii's avatar
    Finish and debug display of invisible text. · 5009f85e
    Eli Zaretskii authored
     xdisp.c (handle_invisible_prop): If we are `reseat'ed, init the
     paragraph direction and set the `reversed_p' flag in the IT's
     glyph row.  Fix exit conditions of the loop that skips invisible
     text.  Update IT->prev_stop after skipping invisible text.  Check
     for additional overlays at IT->stop_charpos, not at start_pos.
    Clean up the mess with setting the glyph row reversed_p flag.
     dispnew.c (prepare_desired_row): Preserve the reversed_p flag.
     bidi.c (bidi_cache_find): Use bidi_copy_it instead of copying
     the whole struct (which includes uninitialized parts).
     (bidi_init_it): Don't initialize bidi_it->paragraph_dir.
     xdisp.c (display_line): Remove misplaced setting of
     row->reversed_p flags.  Copy the reversed_p flag to the next glyph
     (next_element_from_buffer): Check bidi_it.paragraph_dir rather
     than level_stack[0].level.  Reset the reversed_p flag for non-R2L
dispnew.c 209 KB