• Stefan Monnier's avatar
    (flymake-split-string): Remove >1 empty strings at beg/end of the result. · 587d108e
    Stefan Monnier authored
    (flymake-find-buildfile, flymake-find-possible-master-files):
    Use expand-file-name.
    (flymake-fix-file-name): Don't replace \ with / and don't remove ./
    since expand-file-name does it for us.  Use directory-file-name.
    (flymake-ler-get-full-file, flymake-ler-get-file, flymake-ler-get-line)
    (flymake-ler-get-type, flymake-ler-get-text)
    (flymake-ler-make-ler): Remove.  Replace by defstruct.  Update callers.
    (flymake-current-line-no): Remove spurious interactive spec.
    (flymake-delete-temp-directory): Remove unused var `slash-pos'.
    (flymake-check-include): Remove arg inc-path merged into inc-name.
    (flymake-check-patch-master-file-buffer): Fit in 80 columns.
    Arg regexp-list replaced by a simple regexp.
    (flymake-master-make-header-init, flymake-master-tex-init):
    Correspondingly replace regexp-list with a regexp.  Fix regexp.
flymake.el 67.1 KB