• Michael Kifer's avatar
    2007-08-19 Michael Kifer <kifer@cs.stonybrook.edu> · 69441214
    Michael Kifer authored
    	* viper.el (viper-remove-hooks): remove some additional viper hooks
    	when the user calls viper-go-away.
    	(viper-go-away): restore the default of default-major-mode.
    	Save the value of default-major-mode before vaperization.
    	* viper-cmd.el: Replace error "" with "Viper bell".
    	* viper-ex.el: Replace error "" with "Viper bell".
    	* ediff-util.el (ediff-make-temp-file): use the coding system of the
    	buffer for which file is created.
viper.el 51.2 KB