• Paul Eggert's avatar
    Quoting fixes in lisp/org · 6cd2629b
    Paul Eggert authored
    * lisp/org/org-agenda.el (org-search-view, org-todo-list)
    * lisp/org/org-capture.el (org-capture-mode)
    * lisp/org/org-ctags.el (org-ctags-visit-buffer-or-file)
    * lisp/org/org.el (org-time-string-to-time)
    * lisp/org/org-ctags.el (org-ctags-visit-buffer-or-file)
    * lisp/org/org.el (org-time-string-to-time)
    Respect ‘text-quoting-style’ in diagnostics.
    * lisp/org/org-agenda.el (org-agenda-custom-commands)
    (org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks): Plural of TODO is TODOs, not TODO’s.
    * lisp/org/org-capture.el (org-capture-fill-template):
    Avoid contraction in output file that might be ASCII.
    * lisp/org/org-compat.el (format-message):
    Define if not already defined, for backward compatibility.
    * lisp/org/org-src.el (org-edit-src-save):
    * lisp/org/org.el (org-cycle, org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c):
    Escape apostrophes in diagnostics.
org-src.el 36.5 KB