• Eli Zaretskii's avatar
    Start fixing cursor motion around invisible text. · 6eec7596
    Eli Zaretskii authored
    Hit a MAJOR design problem in pushing and popping bidi iterator state.
     src/xdisp.c (reseat_1): Call bidi_init_it to resync the bidi
     iterator with IT's position.
     (handle_stop, back_to_previous_visible_line_start, reseat_1):
     Reset the from_disp_prop_p flag.
     src/bidi.c (bidi_cache_search): Don't assume bidi_cache_last_idx is
     always valid if bidi_cache_idx is valid.
     (bidi_cache_find_level_change): xassert that bidi_cache_last_idx
     is valid if it's going to be used.
bidi.c 71.3 KB