• Glenn Morris's avatar
    From Ulf Jasper <ulf.jasper@web.de>: · 74692b14
    Glenn Morris authored
    (icalendar--get-event-property): Doc fix.
    (icalendar--datetime-to-diary-date): New functions.
    (icalendar--split-value): Doc fix.
    (icalendar--datetime-to-european-date): New optional argument
    SEPARATOR.  Return result as a string instead of a list.
    (icalendar--get-weekday-number): Check if ABBREVWEEKDAY is nil.
    (icalendar--convert-string-for-export): Rename arg S to STRING.
    (icalendar-export-region): Doc fix.  Change name of error buffer.
    Save output buffer.
    (icalendar-import-file): Add blank at end of prompt.
    (icalendar-import-buffer): Doc fix.  Do not switch to error
    buffer.  Indicate status in return value.
    (icalendar--convert-ical-to-diary): Doc fix.  Change name of error
    buffer.  Save output buffer.  Handle exception from recurrence
    rules (EXDATE, EXRULE).  Handle start- and end-date of recurring
    events.  Fix problems with weekly all-day events.
icalendar.el 67 KB