• Dan Nicolaescu's avatar
    * vc.el (vc-exec-after): Move setting mode-line-process in the · 751c9f00
    Dan Nicolaescu authored
    busy case ...
    (vc-set-mode-line-busy-indicator): ... in this new function.
    (vc-status-refresh): Call vc-set-mode-line-busy-indicator.
    (vc-update-vc-status-buffer): Reset mode-line-process.
    (vc-status-mark-all-files, vc-status-unmark-all-files): Change to
    mark/unmark all the files with the same state as the current one.
    With a prefix argument mark/unmark all files.
    (vc-status-mode-menu): Adjust strings.
    (vc-update-vc-status-buffer): Only do something when the argument
    is not nil.
    (vc-status-kill-dir-status-process): New function.
    (vc-status-mode-map): Bind it.
    (vc-status-process-buffer): New variable.
    (vc-status-mode): Make it local.
    (vc-status-refresh): Set it.
    * vc-hg.el (vc-hg-dir-status):
    * vc-git.el (vc-git-dir-status):
    * vc-svn.el (vc-svn-dir-status): Return the buffer in which the
    command is run.
vc-svn.el 25.3 KB