• Karl Heuer's avatar
    Added next-buffer/previous-buffer keybindings (bound to M-n/M-p). · 7aa5f6cf
    Karl Heuer authored
    (crisp-unbury-buffer): New function.
    Fixed bogus XEmacs/Lucid string-match checking.
    Made modeline entry mouse2-able.
    (crisp-mode-map): Make this a sparse keymap parented from
    (crisp-mode-original-keymap): Don't copy the keymap.
    (crisp-last-last-command): Renamed from last-last-command.  defvar it.
    (crisp-mode): Honor ARG.
    (crisp-kill-line, crisp-copy-line): When a region isn't highlighted,
    use the region from point to eol.  Honor prefix argument.
    (crisp-submit-bug-report): New command, taken from cc-mode.
    Shortened the version numbering, removed the release-version tracking
    (crisp-version): New function.
    New keybindings `C-home', `C-end', `M-home', `M-end', `C-f', `M-l',
    (crisp-copy-line): No need to save point.
    Removed S-right and S-left bindings.
    Abstract the marking and selection interfaces so that we can be
    compatible with both Emacs and XEmacs.  And try and make the
    behavior as close as possible under both environments so that there
    are no surprises.
crisp.el 15.4 KB