• Erik Naggum's avatar
    Use ISO 8601 date format, with time zone appended if · 7b8b6c7a
    Erik Naggum authored
    change-log-time-zone-rule is non-nil, instead of traditional Unix date
    (datearg): When computing default from ChangeLog, handle ISO format dates
    in addition to old-fashioned dates from Emacs 19.31 and earlier.  Don't
    worry about hh:mm:ss since the resolution is now by day.  Use emtpy
    datearg, not empty rlog_options, to decide whether to pass "$datearg"
    option to $rlog.
    (logTZ): New variable, set to TZ specified by change-log-time-zone-rule.
    (month_data): Remove `mo'; no longer needed.
    (rlog_options): Use -zLT for localltime output, if `rlog' supports it.
    (extractTZ): Use UTC if the zone is t.
    Match `revision' line of rlog output more accurately.
    Add -c, -v options.
rcs2log 15 KB