• Martin Rudalics's avatar
    Optionally reuse tooltip frames instead of deleting/recreating them. · 80864c2a
    Martin Rudalics authored
    * src/frame.c (tooltip_reuse_hidden_frame): New option.
    * src/w32fns.c (x_create_tip_frame): Remove argument TEXT.  Fix
    handling of dividers.
    (x_hide_tip): New function.
    (Fx_show_tip): Try to reuse old tooltip frame when
    `tooltip-reuse-hidden-frame' is non-nil and frame parameters
    have not changed.  Insert STRING here instead of passing it to
    x_create_tip_frame.  Compute size of tooltip window with
    Fwindow_text_pixel_size.  Obey Vw32_tooltip_extra_pixels when
    padding tooltip window.
    (Fx_hide_tip): Call x_hide_tip.
    (Vw32_tooltip_extra_pixels): New variable.
    * src/xdisp.c (Fwindow_text_pixel_size): Don't return negative y
    value.  Fix doc-string.
    * src/xfns.c (x_create_tip_frame): Remove argument TEXT.  Call
    make_frame with mini_p argument false.
    (x_hide_tip): New function.
    (Fx_show_tip): Try to reuse old tooltip frame when
    `tooltip-reuse-hidden-frame' is non-nil and frame parameters
    have not changed.  Insert STRING here instead of passing it to
    x_create_tip_frame.  Compute size of tooltip window with
    (Fx_hide_tip): Call x_hide_tip.
    * lisp/cus-start.el (tooltip-reuse-hidden-frame): Add
    customization entry.
cus-start.el 25.9 KB