• Ken Manheimer's avatar
    Reconcile with changes in line movement behavior for long text lines · 82b392a4
    Ken Manheimer authored
    that cross more than a single physical window line, ie when truncate-lines
    is nil.
    (allout-next-visible-heading): Provide for change in line-move behavior on
    long lines when truncate-lines is nil.  In that case, line-move can wind up
    on the same textual line when it moves to the next window line, and moving
    to the bullet position after the move yields zero advancement.  Add logic
    to detect and compensate for the lack of progress.
    (allout-current-topic-collapsed-p): move-end-of-line respect for field
    boundaries is different when operating with body lines shorter than window
    width versus ones greater than window width, which can yield false
    negatives in this function.  Avoid difference by applying move-end-of-line
    while field-text-motion is inhibited.
allout.el 284 KB