• Kim F. Storm's avatar
    (make_lispy_position): New function for generating · 3d566707
    Kim F. Storm authored
    mouse click positions from frame and pixel coordinates.
    Enhanced to return buffer position and actual row/column for
    events outside the text area using updated mode_line_string and
    marginal_area_string functions.
    Return left-fringe and right-fringe clicks as such, rather than
    clicks in text area.
    (make_lispy_event) [USE_X_TOOLKIT, USE_GTK]: Don't call
    pixel_to_glyph_coords, as we never use the results.
    (make_lispy_event): Use make_lispy_position for MOUSE_CLICK_EVENT,
    WHEEL_EVENT, and DRAG_N_DROP_EVENT to replace redundant code.
    Eliminate unused code in WHEEL_EVENT handling.
    (make_lispy_movement): Use make_lispy_position.
keyboard.c 332 KB