• Mark Oteiza's avatar
    Prevent creating thumbnails of all gif frames · 910e63de
    Mark Oteiza authored
    With the previous defaults, doing image-dired on a directory with an
    animated foo.gif would cause creation of foo.thumb-N.gif for each of
    N frames in foo.gif.  By default image-dired looks for foo.thumb.gif, so
    there additionally is no usable thumbnail after all the needless effort.
    image-dired never handled animation, regardless.
    * lisp/image-dired.el: Mention limitation.
    (image-dired-cmd-create-standard-thumbnail-options): Append [0] to
    filename to indicate only converting the 0th frame.
    (image-dired-display-image-mode): Don't show a cursor.
image-dired.el 104 KB