• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (bookmark-load): Use `bookmark-import-new-list' to · 91169ba7
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    load the new list carefully, renaming bookmarks as necessary.
    In docstring, mention new renaming behavior.
    Optional arg OVERWRITE replaces inaccurately-named REVERT.
    If file loaded was bookmark-default-file, then set
    bookmarks-already-loaded to t.
    (bookmark-import-new-list): New func.
    (bookmark-maybe-rename): New func, helper to above.
    (bookmark-set-name): Accept bookmark as either string (behaves
    same as before) or list (treat it as a bookmark record).
    (bookmark-set, bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
    (bookmark-jump-noselect, bookmark-rename)
    (bookmark-show-annotation): Discard pointless `progn's.
    (bookmark-bmenu-mark, bookmark-bmenu-unmark)
    (bookmark-bmenu-backup-unmark, bookmark-bmenu-delete-backwards):
    Renormalize position after all else is done.
    (bookmark-edit-annotation-mode, bookmark-bmenu-list)
    (bookmark-show-annotation, bookmark-show-all-annotations):
    Use `x' instead of `(not (eq x nil))'.
    (bookmark-yank-word): Inner save-excursion changed to progn.
    (bookmark-send-annotation, bookmark-send-edited-annotation)
    (bookmark-insert): Use buffer-string instead of buffer-substring.
    (bookmark-make-cell): Make sure annotation and info-node strings
    contain no text properties.
    (bookmark-relocate): Remember to rebuild bmenu buffer after a
    bookmark has been relocated.
    (bookmark-bmenu-check-position): Return a meaningful value --
    callers have apparently been assuming this anyway.
    (bookmark-build-xemacs-menu): Unused function deleted.
    (bookmark-version): Removed this variable; the Emacs version suffices.
bookmark.el 81.1 KB