• Dan Nicolaescu's avatar
    * sieve.el (sieve-make-overlay, sieve-overlay-put, sieve-overlays-at): · a445370f
    Dan Nicolaescu authored
    * message.el (message-beginning-of-line): Use featurep instead of bound
    tests in order to resolve conditionals at compile time.
    * textmodes/reftex-toc.el (reftex-toc-next, reftex-toc-previous)
    * textmodes/reftex-index.el (reftex-index-initialize-phrases-buffer)
    * textmodes/ispell.el (ispell-word):
    * progmodes/vhdl-mode.el (vhdl-keep-region-active):
    * progmodes/pascal.el (pascal-mark-defun):
    * progmodes/f90.el (f90-mark-subprogram, f90-indent-region)
    * emulation/tpu-edt.el (tpu-set-mark):
    * emulation/crisp.el (crisp-region-active):
    * winner.el (winner-active-region):
    * ansi-color.el (ansi-color-set-extent-face): Use featurep instead
    of bound tests in order to resolve conditionals at compile time.
ansi-color.el 24.2 KB