• Stefan Monnier's avatar
    (CSI-map, SS3-map, GOLD-map, GOLD-CSI-map) · a5717394
    Stefan Monnier authored
    (GOLD-SS3-map): Initialize in declaration.
    (tpu-set-mode-line): Don't throw away other minor mode strings when
    turning off the mode.
    (tpu-set-match, tpu-match-beginning, tpu-check-match)
    (tpu-show-match-markers): Use the insertion-type rather than the +1
    offset kludge for tpu-match-beginning-mark.
    (tpu-edt-mode): Use define-minor-mode.
    (minibuffer-local-must-match-map, minibuffer-local-map): Try to avoid
    using the escape sequence and use the real key name instead.
    (tpu-reset-control-keys): Don't copy a keymap needlessly.
    (tpu-arrow-history): Simplify.
    (tpu-edt-on): Set control keys after changing the global map.
    (tpu-edt-on, tpu-edt-off): Work unconditionally.
tpu-edt.el 89.6 KB