• YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu's avatar
    (XTread_socket) [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON]: Try window · a733ef16
    YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu authored
    path select also for proxy icon click.
    [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON] (mac_post_mouse_moved_event): New function.
    [USE_TOOLKIT_SCROLL_BARS] (scroll_bar_timer_callback): Use it.
    (xlfdpat_create): Remove unused label `error' and trailing sentences.
    (mac_do_track_drag, mac_do_receive_drag): Move functions to macselect.c.
    (mac_do_track_dragUPP, mac_do_receive_dragUPP): Move variables to
    (install_drag_handler, remove_drag_handler): Add extern.
    (mac_store_apple_event): Change return type to void.  All uses changed.
    Create Lisp object from Apple event and store it into input event.
    (mac_make_lispy_event_code): Remove function.
    [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON] (mac_store_drag_event): New function.
    (install_window_handler): Call install_drag_handler.
    (remove_window_handler): Call remove_drag_handler.
macterm.c 290 KB