• Alan Mackenzie's avatar
    Fontify bitfield declarations properly. · b248a85d
    Alan Mackenzie authored
    cc-langs.el (c-has-bitfields): New lang variable.
    (c-symbol-chars): Now exported as a lang variable.
    (c-not-primitive-type-keywords): New lang variable.
    cc-fonts.el (c-font-lock-declarations): Jump over the QT keyword "more"
    to prevent "more slots: ...." being spuriously parsed as a bitfield
    cc-engine.el (c-beginning-of-statement-1): Refactor and enhance to handle
    bitfield declarations.
    (c-punctuation-in): New function.
    (c-forward-decl-or-cast-1): Enhance CASE 3 to handle bitfield
    declarations properly.
cc-engine.el 379 KB