• Eli Zaretskii's avatar
    Avoid crashes due to insanely large columns in tabulated-list-format · b3b523cd
    Eli Zaretskii authored
    * src/xdisp.c (append_stretch_glyph, produce_xwidget_glyph)
    (produce_image_glyph): Limit the pixel width of the produced glyph
    to SHRT_MAX.  (Bug#23178)
    (append_composite_glyph, append_glyph, append_glyphless_glyph):
    Add assertions to verify that the pixel width of the glyph will
    never overflow a 'short'.
    * src/term.c (append_composite_glyph): Add assertion to verify
    that the pixel width of the glyph will never overflow a 'short'.
xdisp.c 988 KB