• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    Improved and fixed customize for variables: · b9431ae0
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    ispell-highlight-p, ispell-check-comments, ispell-help-in-bufferp,
    ispell-dictionary-alist, ispell-skip-sgml.
    Improved and fixed comments in variables and messages for
    functions: ispell-help-in-bufferp, ispell-local-dictionary,
    ispell-menu-map, ispell-checking-message, ispell-parser,
    ispell-word, lookup-words, ispell-change-dictionary, ispell-region,
    ispell-begin-tex-skip-regexp, ispell-begin-skip-region,
    ispell-comments-and-strings, ispell-continue, ispell-complete-word,
    ispell-message-text-end, ispell-add-per-file-word-list.
    (ispell-dictionary-alist-1): (ispell-dictionary-alist2): A coding
    system is now required for all languages.  Casechars improved for
    castellano, castellano8, and norsk dictionaries.  Dictionary
    norsk7-tex removed.  Dictionary polish added.
    (ispell-dictionary-alist): Redefined at load-time to support
    dictionary changes.
    (ispell-menu-map): Redefined at load-time to support menu changes.
    (ispell-check-version): New alias for `check-ispell-version'.
    (ispell-parse-output): Fixed matching for ispell error messages.
    Correctly returns spelling suggestions in order generated by ispell process.
    (check-ispell-version): Ensure `case-fold-search' doesn't get redefined.
    (ispell-complete-word): Ensure `case-fold-search' doesn't get
    redefined.  Fix bug that didn't respect case of word being completed.
    (ispell-init-process): Set process coding system to be compatible
    with emacs processes and the ispell process.
    (ispell-kill-ispell): Ensures ispell process has terminated before
    starting new process.  This can otherwise confuse process filters
    and hang the ispell process.
    (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp): (ispell-skip-region): Improved
    skipping support for sgml.
    (ispell-minor-check): Support sgml labels.  Fix mapping ^M to \r
    which could cause `ispell-complete-word' to hang.
    (ispell-message): Improved message reference matching.  Ensure
    `case-fold-search' doesn't get redefined.
    (ispell-buffer-local-parsing): Ensure `case-fold-search' doesn't
    get redefined.  Fixed bug in returning to nroff mode from tex mode.
    (ispell-add-per-file-word-list): Ensure `case-fold-search' doesn't
    get redefined.
ispell.el 110 KB