• Jim Blandy's avatar
    * xterm.c (x_make_frame_invisible): Don't forget to check the · c118dd06
    Jim Blandy authored
    	return value of XWithdrawWindow; it could indicate that the window
    	wasn't successfully redrawn.
            * xterm.c (x_make_frame_invisible): Use XWithdrawWindow when
    	available [HAVE_X11R4]; send the UnmapNotify event when
    	appropriate [HAVE_X11]; just unmap the window if that's all that's
    	needed [not HAVE_X11].
    	* xterm.c (x_set_text_property): Removed; it's only called from
    	one place.  Who wants *another* layer of indirection?
    	* xterm.c: Use the FRAME_X_WINDOW macro, for readability.
    	* xterm.c (x_death_handler): Renamed to x_connection_closed.
    	(x_term_init): Use x_connection_closed as the SIGPIPE handler.
    	* xterm.c (acceptable_x_error_p, x_handler_error_gracefully,
    	x_error_handler): Removed; you can't catch X errors this way,
    	since you can't perform X operations from within an X error
    	handler, and even though we call error, we're still within an X
    	error handler.
    	(x_error_quitter, x_error_catcher): New functions, for panicking
    	on and catching X protocol errors.
    	(x_caught_error_message): Buffer for caught X errors.
    	(x_catch_errors, x_check_errors, x_uncatch_errors): New functions
    	for catching errors.
    	(x_term_init): Set the error handler to x_error_quitter, rather
    	than x_error_handler.
    	* xterm.c (x_death_handler): Renamed to x_connection_closed.
    	(x_term_init): Use x_connection_closed as the SIGPIPE handler.
    	* xterm.c (acceptable_x_error_p, x_handler_error_gracefully,
    	x_error_handler): Removed; you can't catch X errors this way,
    	since you can't perform X operations from within an X error
    	handler, and even though we call error, we're still within an X
    	error handler.
    	(x_error_quitter, x_error_catcher): New functions, for panicking
    	on and catching X protocol errors.
    	(x_caught_error_message): Buffer for caught X errors.
    	(x_catch_errors, x_check_errors, x_uncatch_errors): New functions
    	for catching errors.
    	(x_term_init): Set the error handler to x_error_quitter, rather
    	than x_error_handler.
xterm.c 97.9 KB