• John Wiegley's avatar
    2004-04-17 John Wiegley <johnw@newartisans.com> · c80d9534
    John Wiegley authored
    	* iswitchb.el (iswitchb-max-to-show): Added a new config variable
    	which optionally limits the number of names shown in the
    	minibuffer.  Off by default.
    	(iswitchb-completions): Use `iswitchb-max-to-show'.  This speeds
    	up iswitchb for users with a multitude of open buffers, by showing
    	only the first and last N/2 buffers in the completion list (which
    	is enough for C-s/C-r, and to know that more characters need to be
    	typed to refine the completion list).
iswitchb.el 47 KB