• Chong Yidong's avatar
    * info.texi (Help-Small-Screen): Clarify placement of "All" and "Top" · c93da8ae
    Chong Yidong authored
    	text for standalone vs Emacs info.
    	(Help): Clarify header line description.  Use mouse-1 for clicks.
    	(Help-P): Use mouse-1 for clicks.
    	(Help-^L): "Top" and "All" not displayed with dashes in Emacs.
    	(Help-^L, Help-M, Help-Int, Search Index, Go to node)
    	(Choose menu subtopic): Remove gratuitous Emacs command names.
    	(Help-FOO): Put usual behavior first.
    	(Help-Xref): Clicking on xrefs works in Emacs.
    	(Search Text): Clarify what the default behavior is.
    	(Create Info buffer): Fix Emacs window/X window confusion.
    	(Emacs Info Variables): Fix for new Emacs init file behavior.
ChangeLog 201 KB