• Eli Zaretskii's avatar
    Support non-blocking connect on MS-Windows (Bug#20207) · d133cf83
    Eli Zaretskii authored
     Based on ideas from Kim F. Storm <storm@cua.dk>, see
     src/w32proc.c (reader_thread): If the FILE_CONNECT flag is set, call
     '_sys_wait_connect'.  If it returns STATUS_CONNECT_FAILED, exit
     the thread with code 2.
     (sys_select): Support 'wfds' in addition to 'rfds'.  If a
     descriptor in 'wfds' has its bit set, but the corresponding
     fd_info member doesn't have its FILE_CONNECT flag set, ignore the
     descriptor.  Otherwise, acknowledge a successful non-blocking
     connect by resetting the FILE_CONNECT flag and setting cp->status
     src/w32.h (STATUS_CONNECT_FAILED): New enumeration value.
     (struct _child_process): New member 'errcode'.
     (FILE_CONNECT): New flag.
     (_sys_wait_connect): Add prototype.
     src/w32.c (pfn_WSAEnumNetworkEvents): New function pointer.
     (init_winsock): Load WSAEnumNetworkEvents from winsock DLL.
     (set_errno): Map WSAEWOULDBLOCK and WSAENOTCONN.
     (sys_connect): Support non-blocking 'connect' calls by setting the
     FILE_CONNECT flag in the fd_info member and returning EINPROGRESS.
     (_sys_read_ahead): Add debug message if this function is called
     for a descriptor that waits for a non-blocking connect to complete.
     (_sys_wait_connect): New function.
     (sys_read): Support STATUS_CONNECT_FAILED.  Return the error code
     recorded by _sys_wait_connect when the non-blocking connect
     failed.  Don't call WSAGetLastError before a call to set_errno had
     a chance to use its value, since WSAGetLastError clears the last
     nt/inc/ms-w32.h (BROKEN_NON_BLOCKING_CONNECT): Don't define.
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