• Jason Rumney's avatar
    (w32font_info): Remove subranges. · d205d43b
    Jason Rumney authored
    (QCsubranges, Qmodern, Qswiss, Qroman): Remove.
    (QCfamily, Qmonospace, Qsans_serif, Qmono, Qsans, Qsans__serif)
    (Qraster, Qoutline, Qlatin, Qgreek, Qcoptic, Qcyrillic, Qarmenian)
    (Qhebrew, Qarabic, Qsyriac, Qnko, Qthaana, Qdevanagari, Qbengali)
    (Qgurmukhi, Qgujarati, Qoriya, Qtamil, Qtelugu, Qkannada)
    (Qmalayalam, Qsinhala, Qthai, Qlao, Qtibetan, Qmyanmar, Qgeorgian)
    (Qhangul, Qethiopic, Qcherokee, Qcanadian_aboriginal, Qogham)
    (Qrunic, Qkhmer, Qmongolian, Qsymbol, Qbraille, Qhan)
    (Qideographic_description, Qcjk_misc, Qkana, Qbopomofo, Qkanbun)
    (Qyi, Qbyzantine_musical_symbol, Qmusical_symbol, Qmathematical):
    New symbols.
    (font_callback_data): New struct.
    (w32font_list, w32font_match): Use it.
    (w32font_open): Don't populate subranges.
    (w32font_has_char): Use script Lisp symbols, not subrange bitmask.
    (w32font_encode_char): Always return unicode code-point as-is.
    (w32font_text_extents): Supply a tranformation matrix to
    GetGlyphOutline. Never look up by glyph index. Avoid looping
    twice. Use unicode version of GetTexExtentPoint32 instead of
    glyph index version.
    (set_fonts_frame): Remove
    (w32_enumfont_pattern_entity): Add frame parameter, use it to
    set frame parameter. Use backward compatible fake foundries.
    Save generic family in extra slot under QCfamily. Make width slot
    constant. Save QCspacing value. Save list of scripts instead of
    binary subranges.
    (w32_generic_family, logfonts_match, font_matches_spec): New functions.
    (add_font_entity_to_list): Use font_callback_data struct. Filter
    unwanted fonts.
    (add_one_font_entity_to_list): Use font_callback_data struct.
    (w32_registry): Default to iso10646_1;
    (fill_in_logfont): Use dpi from extra slot. Don't bother with
    string font registries. Don't fill in font name if it is a generic
    family name, fill family instead. Use spacing, family and script
    extra info to fill pitch, family and charset fields.
    (list_all_matching_fonts): Use font_callback_data struct.
    (unicode_range_for_char): Remove.
    (font_supported_scripts): New function.
    (w32font_initialize): Remove.
    (syms_of_w32font): Update which symbols are defined.
w32font.c 42.1 KB