• Alan Mackenzie's avatar
    c-forward-<>-arglist no longer directly applies face properties in Java Mode. · db2ee1cd
    Alan Mackenzie authored
    This allows the calling of c-restore-<>-properties from c-common-init without
    the test suite giving spurious errors.
    * lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el (c-forward-<>-arglist): Remove the form that
    sets face properties.
    (c-forward-<>-arglist-recur): Reformulate the bit that handles types inside
    template brackets using c-inside-<>-type-key.  Don't bind
    c-record-type-identifiers or c-record-found-types around the recursive call,
    allowing positions of found types to flow back to the caller.
    * lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el (c-inside-<>-type-kwds, c-inside-<>-type-key):
    new lang consts/var.
    * lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el (c-common-init): Don't remove
    c-restore-<>-properties from the list of functions called at mode
cc-engine.el 422 KB