• Glenn Morris's avatar
    From Ulf Jasper <ulf.jasper@web.de>: · e0cd68ee
    Glenn Morris authored
    Set coding to utf-8.
    (icalendar-version): Increase to 0.07.
    (icalendar-monthnumber-table): Change March pattern.
    (icalendar-set-event-property): Delete.
    (icalendar-all-events): No longer interactive.
    (icalendar-extract-ical-from-buffer): Make obsolete, and alias to
    their replacements.
    (icalendar-export-file, icalendar-export-region): New functions;
    essentially old `icalendar-convert-diary-to-ical' but appending to
    target rather than overwriting.
    (icalendar-import-file): Append to target file rather than
    overwriting.  Fourth arg deleted.
    (icalendar-import-buffer): New name for old
    (icalendar--convert-string-for-import): New name for
    old `icalendar-convert-for-import'.
    (include-icalendar-files): Delete.
    Prefix for all internal functions changed from `icalendar-'
    to `icalendar--'.
icalendar.el 56.6 KB