• Alan Mackenzie's avatar
    Enhance fontification of declarators to take account of the · e15f8aaa
    Alan Mackenzie authored
    presence/absence of "typedef".
    cc-engine.el (c-forward-type): New &optional param "brace-block-too".
    (c-forward-decl-or-cast-1): cdr of return value now indicates the
    presence of either or both of a "struct"-like keyword and "typedef".
    cc-fonts.el (c-complex-decl-matchers): Remove the heuristic fontification
    of declarators which follow a "}".
    (c-font-lock-declarations): Fontify declarators according to the
    presence/absence of "typedef".
    cc-langs.el (c-typedef-kwds c-typedef-key): New lang variable for
    (c-typedef-decl-key): New lang variable built from c-typedef-decl-kwds.
cc-engine.el 375 KB