• Stefan Monnier's avatar
    Move `provide' to the end. Update copyright. · e1940c83
    Stefan Monnier authored
    (sgml-mode-map): Use `make-keymap' rather than make the keymap by hand.
    Bind the latin-1 charset-char to sgml-maybe-name-self rather than
    incorrectly binding chars between 128 and 256 to it.
    (sgml-maybe-name-self): Handle latin-1 chars properly.
    (sgml-tags-invisible): Bind buffer-file-name to nil.
    Use unwind-protect and restore-buffer-modified-p.
    (sgml-point-entered): Use buffer-substring-no-properties.
    (html-tag-alist): Add `div' and `span' and fix backquote/unquote typos.
    (html-mode): Don't force `imenu-sort-function'.
sgml-mode.el 45.5 KB