• Jim Blandy's avatar
    * disass.el (disassemble): Add autoload cookie for this. · ed015bdd
    Jim Blandy authored
    	* bytecomp.el (byte-decompile-bytecode): Add an autoload for this.
    	compiled-function-p has been renamed to byte-code-function-p.
    	* subr.el: Define compiled-function-p as an alias for it.
    	* bytecomp.el: Register compiled-function-p as obsolete.
    	* bytecomp.el, byte-opt.el, disass.el, help.el, map-ynp.el: Change
    	unread-command-event has been replaced by unread-command-events.
    	* simple.el (prefix-arg-internal): Use this to push back all
    	key sequences for processing by the main command loop, instead of
    	trying to simulate its behavior ourselves.
    	* bytecomp.el: Document unread-command-event as an obsolete
    	variable, although nothing but the GNU Emacs 19 sources use it.
    	Adjust obsolescence message for unread-command-char.
    	* comint.el (comint-dynamic-list-completions): Change uses of
    	unread-command-event to work with unread-command-events.
    	* ebuff-menu.el (electric-buffer-list, Electric-buffer-menu-exit):
    	* edebug.el (edebug-outside-excursion): Same.
    	* ehelp.el (electric-help-command-loop): Same.
    	* electric.el (Electric-command-loop): Same.
    	* emerge.el (emerge-show-file-name): Same.
    	* fortran.el (fortran-abbrev-start,
    	fortran-window-create-momentarily): Same.
    	* gnus.el (gnus-Subject-next-article): Same.
    	* info.el (Info-summary): Same.
    	* isearch-mode.el (isearch-update, isearch-unread): Same.
    	* map-ynp.el (map-y-or-n-p): Same.
    	* mlsupport.el (push-back-character): Same.
    	* replace.el (perform-replace): Same.
    	* simula.el (simula-electric-label): Same.
    	* subr.el (read-quoted-char, momentary-string-display): Same.
    	* sun-mouse.el (mouse-second-hit): Same.
    	* terminal.el (te-escape-extended-command-unread): Same.
    	* vip.el (vip-escape-to-emacs, vip-prefix-arg-value,
    	vip-prefix-arg-com): Same.
bytecomp.el 112 KB