• Juri Linkov's avatar
    (diff-file-header): Change foreground color from · f3abba99
    Juri Linkov authored
    yellow to green on light backgrounds.
    (diff-context): Inherit from `shadow' only for color/grayscale
    with more than 88 colors.
    (diff-indicator-removed, diff-indicator-added)
    (diff-indicator-changed): New faces.
    (diff-font-lock-keywords): Use new faces.  Regroup rules.
    Add "^---$" for `normal' diff format.  Fontify `#' lines with
    font-lock-comment-delimiter-face and font-lock-comment-face.
    Add `#' to ^[^...] in the rule for `diff-context-face'.
diff-mode.el 52.2 KB