• Stefan Monnier's avatar
    * diff-mode.el (diff-file-junk-re): New const. · f52d2f9c
    Stefan Monnier authored
    (diff-beginning-of-file-and-junk): Use it.
    (diff-file-kill): Make sure we were really inside a file diff.
    * diff-mode.el: Make it more robust in the presence of empty context
    lines in unified hunks.
    (diff-valid-unified-empty-line): New var.
    (diff-unified->context, diff-sanity-check-hunk): Obey it.
    (diff-end-of-hunk): Obey it.  New arg `donttrustheader'.
    (diff-fixup-modifs, diff-post-command-hook): Use this new arg.
    (diff-hunk-header-re-unified): New const.
    (diff-font-lock-keywords, diff-hunk-header-re, diff-split-hunk)
    (diff-fixup-modifs, diff-unified->context, diff-next-complex-hunk)
    (diff-sanity-check-hunk): Use it.
    * diff-mode.el (diff-beginning-of-file-and-junk): If we're on the
    Index: line, don't search backward for the previous one.
diff-mode.el 74.5 KB