• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (tmm-old-mb-map): Initialize to nil. · fc225f66
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    (tmm-delete-map): Don't use tmm-old-mb-map if nil.
    (tmm-add-prompt): Bind C-n and C-p.
    Put only the shortcuts into the completion buffer's map.
    Produce the completion list by hand so as not to sort it.
    (tmm-prompt): Start at the first item in the menu.
    Don't reverse tmm-km-list; reverse compl-list instead.
    Use try-completion in last-ditch attempt to find a match.
    Rename compl-list to history.
    (tmm-get-keybind): Put more local bindings last in a menu.
    Major rewrite.
    (tmm-menubar): Handle menu-bar-final-items.
    (tmm-remove-shortcuts): Function deleted.
    (tmm-add-shortcuts): If we can't find a letter shortcut,
    use a numeric shortcut.
tmm.el 12.3 KB