• Alan Third's avatar
    Use CGImage instead of NSBitmapImageRep (bug#32932) · 44298ea6
    Alan Third authored
    * src/nsterm.m (ns_update_end):
    (ns_clear_frame): Remove forced draws.
    (ns_dumpglyphs_image): No longer need to invert images as the context
    is already flipped.
    ([EmacsView updateFrameSize:]):
    ([EmacsView initFrameFromEmacs:]): Use new function.
    ([EmacsView createDrawingBuffer]): Replaces createDrawingBufferWithRect:.
    ([EmacsView focusOnDrawingBuffer]): Set CGImage context.
    ([EmacsView windowDidChangeBackingProperties:]): Use new function.
    ([EmacsView copyRect:to:]): Copy using CGImages.
    ([EmacsView wantsUpdateLayer]):
    ([EmacsView updateLayer]): New Functions.
    ([EmacsView drawRect:]): We no longer do anything special here for
    ([EmacsView windowDidChangeBackingProperties:]): Fix indentation and
    add NSTRACE.
nsterm.h 44.5 KB