• Stephen Gildea's avatar
    time-stamp: add support for time zone numeric offset · 9ce67baa
    Stephen Gildea authored
    * time-stamp.el: Implement %:z as expanding to the numeric time zone
    offset, to address the feature request of bug#32931.  Do not document it
    yet, to discourage compatibility problems in mixed Emacs 26 and Emacs 27
    environments.  Documentation will be added in a subsequent release at
    least two years later.  (We cannot yet use %z for numeric time zone
    because in Emacs 26 it was documented to do something else.)
    * time-stamp-tests.el (time-stamp-test-format-time-zone): expand this
    test and break it into two tests, time-stamp-test-format-time-zone-name
    and time-stamp-test-format-time-zone-offset.
time-stamp-tests.el 19.3 KB