• Dima Kogan's avatar
    Make ff-find-other-file symmetric for C++ (Bug#20192) · 08848e33
    Dima Kogan authored
    `cc-other-file-alist' has a mapping of file extensions to switch
    between headers and sources, but the mappings weren't completely
    symmetric.  In particular .cpp would map to .hh, but .hh would NOT map
    to .cpp.
    * lisp/find-file.el (cc-other-file-alist): Map ".hh" and ".h" to all
    C++ extensions to make them symmetric with the C++ extensions that map
    to them.  This lets repeated invocations of `ff-find-other-file'
    toggle between all pairs of sources/headers.
find-file.el 34.7 KB