• Kim F. Storm's avatar
    (Fdefine_key): Allow symbol as KEY argument for · 0c412762
    Kim F. Storm authored
    defining command remapping.  Doc updated.
    (Flookup_key): Remap command through keymap if KEY is a symbol.
    (is_command_symbol): New function.
    (Fkey_binding): Use it.  New optional argument NO-REMAP.  Doc
    updated.  Callers changed.  Perform command remapping via
    recursive call unless that arg is non-nil.
    (where_is_internal): New argument no_remap.  Callers changed.
    Call recursively to find original key bindings for a remapped
    comand unless that arg is non-nil.
    (Fwhere_is_internal): New optional argument NO-REMAP.  Doc
    updated.  Callers changed.  Pass arg to where_is_internal.
keymap.c 103 KB