• Roland McGrath's avatar
    (compilation-buffer-p): Fix braino in last change: switch to the buffer first. · 20c1daec
    Roland McGrath authored
    (compilation-error-regexp-alist): Doc fix: optional cdrs give
    string containing %s to produce the file name from the matched text.
    (compilation-find-file): Reorder args: MARKER first, then FILENAME, DIR,
    and new arg &rest FORMATS (as they appear in parsed the fileinfo lists).
    Try each of the FORMATS in each directory tried.
    (compilation-next-error-locus): Apply compilation-find-file to the FILEINFO
    (compilation-parse-errors): Instead of a cons (DIR . FILE), make a list
    (FILE DIR [FORMATS...]) using the 4th cdr of the matching elt of
compile.el 54.7 KB